How does the Secular Media “COVER” the TRUTH?

NEWBlog%2Bcover.jpgDuring the days of the Third Extraordinary Synod and later, it was covered in several of the news portals and news papers around the world.  It is remarkable that the entire world is eager to know more about the Catholic Church and Pope Francis.  It shows the global importance of the Church and her values.  The earlier post titled, “Why there was an Extraordinary Synod?”, had explained the need and the content of the recent Extraordinary Synod.  Then, how did the “secular” media cover the Extraordinary Synod?

The “secular” Media, under the pretense of “covering” the truth, narrowed the Extraordinary Synod down to the following five points:  a) III Extraordinary Synod is the decision making body, b) It has failed to accept homosexual marriages, c) It did not consider the situation of divorced couples, d) There are divisions among the Extraordinary Synod and e) Pope has lost his primacy over the college of Bishops in the Synod.

Since these particular topics did not even constitute 10% of the issues discussed (Instrumentum Laboris – Working instrument) in the 15 day Extraordinary Synod, it brings us to question the intention of the media. Why did they project this image of the Extraordinary Synod and dilute it to discuss only  these particular issues?  It makes us doubt that the secular media is plagued with vested interests.


800px-Internal_Pantheon_Light.JPGIs it not the intention of these agents to diminish the importance of the Extraordinary Synod and bring these issues into the lime light so that they could garner unwanted attention?  One example of the unethical reporting of the “secular” media: The positive reporting on the shocking and horrible incident of Ms. Nirbhaya, in Delhi, India in 2012, resulted public agitations and movements all around the nation. But the story of the incident repeats itself in different dramatic forms. Why does the same “secular”  media not give same importance to these incidents?  Is the “secular”  media making us think and dance according to the script written by them for their vested interests?  Is it not the same method being ployed in the case of ‘COVERING’ the Extraordinary Synod?

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Fr. Franklin


  1. Today even media runs on paid business.. nthg is real it seemz..
    wat media cares is its popularity n the rest it carries away!!!

  2. If the media’s goal is to render the Holy Father and his words ineffective, what more sinister way than to usurp and misreport the message so as to distort it? Thank you, Father, for this website and for your insights! God bless and keep you!

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